Tiger Chair

In Tiger Chair, a Chinese platoon leader writes a very long letter home to his best friend from the front. It is not a cheerful letter. Ten long years ago, China declared a world war after a squabble in Taiwan. The letter writer has been stationed in Los Angeles forContinue Reading

One Year Gone

“One day, just months after she turns seventeen, your daughter disappears. You’re told by the police that sometimes this happens. Sometimes people just disappear. Especially teenage girls. Then, almost a year later, the first text comes in. Two text messages. The first text says, mom. The second text says, pleaseContinue Reading

Text in Show

Text in Show is a modern retelling of Cinderella set at a socialite dog show. What makes this show different? Mother-dog matching clothing, doggy evening gown and swimsuit competitions are just part of the craziness! Autumn has a hyper-critical mother. Sure, it took her ten years to get her collegeContinue Reading

The Hive

The Hive begins with a compelling mystery. A college journalism student is found dead. Police officer Lindsay is investigating the death. The victim was looking into the death twenty years ago at a self-help “cult” guru’s residence. Was the recent death an accident or murder? If the latter, could itContinue Reading