The Offset

In The Offset, population is strictly controlled due to the Earth’s extreme pollution. If a couple have a child, that child at eighteen must pick one of her parents to die (offsetting their birth). Miri must decide between the mother she loves and the workaholic mother she hates. Does theContinue Reading

The Visitor

In The Visitor, the United Nations is holding its annual meeting in New York City. When an explosion occurs at the Japanese consultant, Talia Dauber with the U.N. Security Service is on the job. It seems the Japanese are working on a secret project. So secret that their American hostsContinue Reading

No 5 Vol 1

In No. 5, Vol 1, the Peace Corps Commandos are an elite caste of superhumans on a future Earth. Their first mission is to shoot the mythical elk, Ashiro. Meanwhile, sharpshooter number 5 is romancing his superior’s wife. He runs off with her. The superior sends his staff to killContinue Reading

Girl One

Nine babies are created in the 1970s without using men at all. The first baby born is called Girl One. This is her story. Girl One discovers her mother is missing and her parent’s home partially burned down. She decides to investigate with a reporter. To find answers, they visitContinue Reading

We Live

In 2084, humanity is nearing extinction. The Earth is dying. An alien ship offers salvation. 5000 bracelets are dropped to Earth. Each is to be used by Earth’s children. Each child may bring one companion. Once the children wearing the bracelets and their partners reach nine extraction points, they willContinue Reading


Sorrowland is a completely unexpected, but ultimately disappointing, tale. Fifteen and pregnant, Vern runs away from everything she knows. The abusive husband and cult that she is fleeing hunts her down in the nearby woods, but she evades them. Meanwhile, Vern gives birth to twins while learning to live offContinue Reading

Hillbilly Epicurean

Well, that was different (in a mostly good way)! Hillbilly Epicurean is set in a bizarre governmental agency, the Chimerical Research Division. The Division looks for anomalous occurrences in reading materials both non-fiction and fictional. Denver, an entitled rich boy, is forced to work for the Division by his fatherContinue Reading

The Echo Wife

All kinds of moral and ethical questions are broached in a new science fiction domestic thriller, The Echo Wife. Several are solved the old-fashioned way through deception and murder. Evelyn is a respected scientist creating clones to perform various tasks. She is working through a divorce from her husband, Nathan.Continue Reading