Sell Different!

If you’re a totally newbie salesperson or business owner, Sell Different! might offer valuable insight. Unfortunately, for everyone else, you have heard all of these “revelations” before. Finding a way to differentiate your business from your competitors is a great idea but nothing new. The book suggests using three businessContinue Reading

New Startup Mindset

The New Startup Mindset will motivate you to begin that business you have been dreaming about! The author’s story of seeing a need and fulfilling it by opening her own business is so inspiring! Yet, I question that some of her instructions will work for everyone. “Don’t delay. Don’t waitContinue Reading

Hurts So Good

Masochists are everywhere—not just in Fifty Shades of Grey. They are marathon runners, chili pepper eaters, Polar Bear Club members, MMA fighters, and ballerinas. Why people put their bodies in these situations is the main question in Hurts So Good. However, the book also explains how pain works and givesContinue Reading

The Offset

In The Offset, population is strictly controlled due to the Earth’s extreme pollution. If a couple have a child, that child at eighteen must pick one of her parents to die (offsetting their birth). Miri must decide between the mother she loves and the workaholic mother she hates. Does theContinue Reading

Campaigns & Companions

If you love your pets and you know what D&D stands for, you are in for an uproarious read with the fully illustrated Campaigns & Companions. “GM: The sorceress carefully places the glowing bottle on the workbench next to her. ‘Take heed, brave adventurers,’ she intones, ‘for contained within thisContinue Reading

Healthy Easy Mexican

Mexican food is so delicious! And here, in California, it is plentiful. However, everyone should try to eat healthier. In a restaurant, you may be eating foods fried in lard. If you create the same dish at home, you can control the fat and calories. So, how does the HealthyContinue Reading