Heartfelt graphic memoir shares interesting insights about the trauma of having a sick child. Spot 12 shares the author’s story of a child, Asa, who is born with trachea issues. It especially addresses the parents’ conflicting feelings when surgery may cause immediate pain to their child while only possibly providingContinue Reading

Telling Stories

Practical ideas for improving your writing. Telling Stories covers most areas of writing short fiction, novels and memoirs. It has sections on structure, characterization, detail, point of view, language and revision. It also has a short section on the writing life, which includes how to start writing and defeat writer’sContinue Reading

Uncle Johns Old Faithful Bathroom Reader

Not just for bathrooms anymore! I’ve read many previous Bathroom Readers in paperback format in, of course, the bathroom. This is my first Kindle version of the long-running series. It opens up the reading possibilities substantially. The varying lengths make this a good choice for grocery store checkout lines, doctor’sContinue Reading

A charming history of Video Games. The Comic Book Story of Video Games is a graphic novel depicting their entire history from Alan Turing’s WWII mainframe Chess game to Pokemon Go. Turing’s logic in the Chess game was used to break the German’s supposedly enigma code. There are many fascinatingContinue Reading

I love my bread machine

I Love My Bread Machine contains 176 pages of yummy photos and 108 delicious sounding recipes.  The book contains traditional white and wheat breads and so much more. The recipes includes breads and rolls that are kneaded by the bread machine but shaped by hand and then baked in anContinue Reading

Self-Made Woman

A heartfelt memoir of a powerful woman who was born a male.    Born into a physically and mentally abusive Catholic family in the late 1950s, Dennis always liked dresses and dolls. Despite his frequently drunk father’s beatings, Dennis grew up pursuing common Wisconsin hobbies like fishing and ice skating.Continue Reading

Unspoken Code

Perfect gift for females newly entering corporate America.    The Unspoken Code provides a good overview of how a woman who wants to achieve success in a man’s world should act. This book covers substantial ground from how to build confidence to how to dress for success. Unfortunately, many importantContinue Reading

Cover pic

Good variety of recipes that can be cooked in either a crockpot or Instant Pot.   This cookbook has 100 crockpot recipes and each have many variations for gluten-free, paleo, ‘picky eaters’ (i.e. less spicy) or vegan diets. The accompanying photographs look scrumptious. There are many unusual recipes including tomatoContinue Reading

This is a short non-fiction book about the celebrity culture in which we currently live. It is interesting and definitely worth the time to read it. The cover of the book says “The famous, the infamous, and why we care way too much about them”. I expected more research thanContinue Reading

Good tearjerker story Good tearjerker to read on 9/11. However, some of the text seemed stretched out to make a book-length story from an excellent NY Times article, which I read after the book. Still a tragic story about how terrorism impacts more than just the immediate victims but alsoContinue Reading