If you have ever thought about starting your own business or finding a nice side gig to augment your day job, Entrepreneurial You is for you. In just 272 pages, Entrepreneurial You contains enough tips for a stack of business books and several classes.
The format is simple. Each chapter starts with a goal (i.e., Build Your Brand, Monetize Your Experience, Extend Your Reach and Impact Online). It then gives the reader several ways to accomplish each goal (speaking engagements, blogging, writing an eBook, etc.) Within each idea are practical ways to accomplish each goal. The best part is the Try This section at the end of each chapter. It lists either questions you should ask yourself or activities that can be used immediately to accomplish your goal.
Each chapter builds on the last. The first few discuss how to determine your product or service, develop a price, decide on a market, and begin your business. Later chapters explain how to build an existing business up to a level to support both you and your family. It discusses how to hire employees and get crowdfunded. The book also mentions some pitfalls (i.e., focusing on low price high volume sales or display ad income is not a good start-up strategy). It has many real life examples of how other entrepreneurs have used the book’s tips and tricks to become successful. The author writes in a style that motivates the reader to get off their chair and start their new business!
I chose Entrepreneurial You to help build my book blog’s brand and traffic. However, it is so great that I recommend it to anyone that watches Shark Tank and dreams of a better life than working for others can provide. There is no better step-by-step guide to starting a side gig or a full blown business. 5 stars.
Thanks to the publisher, Harvard Business Review Press, and netgalley for an advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review. This book will be published on October 3, 2017.