The World According to Cunk

I’m rather upset that I had to interrupt my doomshopping and doomscrolling to read The World According to Cunk. It totally got me out of my post election funk because it’s hilarious! Truly laugh-out-loud funny. While based on the real world, and history, and stuff like that, Cunk has anContinue Reading


Sometimes you want to read a light humorous cozy mystery or romance. Other times, you want to read a book that makes you think deeply and ponder the future. Nexus fills the second need. This book is intense and thought provoking. We have all heard the arguments both pro andContinue Reading

Lies My Teacher Told Me

What you don’t know about American history could fill a book. In fact, the book is here and entitled Lies My Teacher Told Me. This graphic true story tells the rest of the tales not told in traditional history books. It also corrects some frequently repeated outright falsehoods. Some areContinue Reading

The Rest is History

The Rest Is History is a selection of short tales of real-life history. Who knew that history could be so entertaining? This book would make a great read when time is short. Find out if the Loch Ness Monster is real while waiting at the doctor’s office. Some fictional itemsContinue Reading

Egypt's Golden Couple

The boy King Tutankhamun’s tomb artifacts included a stunning bust of his mother, Nefertiti. While a lot is known about the boy king, not as much is known about his parents. Was his father, Akhenaten, aka King Amenhotep IV, the first Egyptian king to believe in a single god? OrContinue Reading

Spare Parts

Spare Parts tells the true, and frequently bloody, story of how mankind began transplanting skin, blood, teeth and organs from person to person. It began with noses. Noses were lost frequently in the past due to duels, war injuries, criminal punishments, and venereal disease. Using tree grafting as a model,Continue Reading

The Shortest History of China

China has definitely been frequently in the news lately. If you are curious about the world’s longest written history, you could spend an eternity reading books about the various dynasties. Or you can read The Shortest History of China in an afternoon and understand our number one trade partner’s historyContinue Reading

The Secret History of Food

If you, like me, are constantly googling random things as questions come up, you will love The Secret History of Food. It provides more in-depth information than Wikipedia. Luckily, it also goes off in weird tangents and down deep rabbit holes when an intriguing side fact is found. Here isContinue Reading

Wild West

Martha is a maid in a saloon where most of the women work on their back upstairs. She is hoping her integrity will prevent her from suffering the same fate. A chance run-in with a bounty hunter changes her attitude in Wild West, a Calamity Jane origin story. There areContinue Reading