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Young Adult Family Drama more than a Mystery/Thriller How would you feel if your father’s murder was being covered in a non-fiction podcast? Would you be grateful that someone was looking further into his murder or would you be upset that all the old information is being dredged up onceContinue Reading

Beautiful Illustrations with an Unusual Plot The world has gone crazy in this well plotted beautifully illustrated graphic novel. Suddenly after the Great Divide, one human touching another kills one of them. The killed live on in the brain of the killer as “riders”. Once a rider is in residence,Continue Reading

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Bill may be a supercilious a88hole but he is also funny! I was prepared to dislike this book because I’ve read many books based on Internet memes that do not translate well to a book format.  I think even Bill’s platitudes would be better one per day rather than allContinue Reading

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Stream-of-Consciousness Literary Short Novella (or long short story) When telling an anecdote at a cocktail party, it is natural to embellish it to increase the entertainment value.  The narrator of this short story is trying to determine why he is not entertaining and further, why he is not believed.  HeContinue Reading

Laugh-out-loud funny book! The book is the story of the author’s two dogs pictured as two middle age men. It doesn’t sound funny but it is totally hilarious!  I’m sure the people at work were wondering why I was first giggling and then laughing out loud at some of theContinue Reading

Good tearjerker story Good tearjerker to read on 9/11. However, some of the text seemed stretched out to make a book-length story from an excellent NY Times article, which I read after the book. Still a tragic story about how terrorism impacts more than just the immediate victims but alsoContinue Reading

Humorous Mystery with Believable Characters–Just a Great Book! I absolutely adored this book. The characters seem like old friends but their attitudes change over the course of the three books in this series–just like real people do. My favorite part of this book is that Alan is back! Is AlanContinue Reading