The Saboteur

A wonderfully unique thriller set in Nazi-occupied Norway during World War II. It is nice to see Mr. Gross step out from the shadow of his frequent co-author, James Patterson.   The Saboteur is the story of the daring members of the Norwegian resistance during World War II.  Norway hasContinue Reading

Gone Gull cover pic

Come for the mystery but stay for the characters. A good solid entry in the Meg Langslow series. Gone Gull is the twenty-first book in the Meg Langslow series. I have read every one of them within a month of their being published. Within the series, everyone ages and theContinue Reading

Unspoken Code

Perfect gift for females newly entering corporate America.    The Unspoken Code provides a good overview of how a woman who wants to achieve success in a man’s world should act. This book covers substantial ground from how to build confidence to how to dress for success. Unfortunately, many importantContinue Reading

Final Girls cover pic

Brilliantly twisty thriller with a fantastic finale! First Lisa, then Sam and finally Quincy are the sole survivors at three separate mass murder scenes. The press starts calling them final girls, which is a horror movie term for the last survivor. Quincy has tried to forget her horrible night at Pine Cottage,Continue Reading

Beautiful illustrations and a intriguing twist on Little Red Riding Hood makes The Little Red Wolf a witty choice for older children. The Little Red Wolf is given a dead rabbit by his mother to take to his grandmother’s house. His mother warns him not to go near the evilContinue Reading


Not as good as I expected from this author. Bennie Rosato and Mary DiNunzio are law firm partners.  Bennie handles the high profile clients.  Mary has a large volume West Philly neighborhood practice.  Mary’s childhood friend Simon is fired for his daughter’s large medical bills.  He asks Mary for helpContinue Reading

Don't Let Go Cover Pic

Don’t Let Go is another riveting psychological thriller by Mr. Coben! Nap lost his twin brother, Leo, and Leo’s girlfriend, Diana, one high school night to a train collision.  The same night Nap’s girlfriend, Maura, disappeared.  When Don’t Let Go begins, it is fifteen years later. Nap is a policeContinue Reading

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Propels the plot forward significantly plus fantastic ending! The Walking Dead graphic novels must be read in order and to summarize any part of this plot will be SPOILERS for the previous volumes. So reader beware! Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown… Rick decided, after consulting with Negan,Continue Reading

Heathen is a coming out story interwoven with Norse mythology. Heathen tells the story of Aydis, a Viking young woman who can fight as well as any male warrior. After kissing a girl (and liking it), her father is forced by the tribe’s elders to punish her. Aydis must marryContinue Reading

Hilarious novel about a family just like yours. Nuclear Family is a collection of letters and emails to Julie from her teenage years to her 30s from her loved ones. There are letters from her over serious father, her oversharing mother and her free-spirited sister. More unusual are letters fromContinue Reading

Innovative Detective in a good solid mystery. Crime Scene is the first book in a new series by Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman. It features sworn Coroner Division Deputy Clay Edison. Clay’s job is to investigate the scenes of deaths to determine the manner of death. There are only five choices:Continue Reading