Heathen is a coming out story interwoven with Norse mythology. Heathen tells the story of Aydis, a Viking young woman who can fight as well as any male warrior. After kissing a girl (and liking it), her father is forced by the tribe’s elders to punish her. Aydis must marryContinue Reading

Hilarious novel about a family just like yours. Nuclear Family is a collection of letters and emails to Julie from her teenage years to her 30s from her loved ones. There are letters from her over serious father, her oversharing mother and her free-spirited sister. More unusual are letters fromContinue Reading

Innovative Detective in a good solid mystery. Crime Scene is the first book in a new series by Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman. It features sworn Coroner Division Deputy Clay Edison. Clay’s job is to investigate the scenes of deaths to determine the manner of death. There are only five choices:Continue Reading


Interesting plot but illustrations are not easy to interpret.   This is a graphic novel about a zombie apocalypse. I have read many books with this topic and 25 volumes of The Walking Dead graphic novels previously so I wasn’t expecting much innovation. However, this book’s plot surprised me withContinue Reading

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Good variety of recipes that can be cooked in either a crockpot or Instant Pot.   This cookbook has 100 crockpot recipes and each have many variations for gluten-free, paleo, ‘picky eaters’ (i.e. less spicy) or vegan diets. The accompanying photographs look scrumptious. There are many unusual recipes including tomatoContinue Reading

Two Fantastic Mysteries in One Book. I absolutely loved this book. It starts with an editor reading the latest mystery written by their best selling author. The manuscript is written in the style of Agatha Christie’s books. It is set in a small English village where everyone is a suspectContinue Reading

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More like Dickens than Sherlock Holmes.   Arrowood is a private investigator in Victorian London. He is jealous of his rival, Sherlock Holmes, who gets all the rich clients while he is stuck with London’s less desirable denizens. His latest client is looking for her brother, who disappeared while workingContinue Reading

Meh…Read any other book by this author first. Amos Decker, the Memory Man, witnesses a man killing a woman and then himself in front of the FBI Washington DC headquarters. There is no question of whodunnit but Amos and his team are tasked with finding out why the crime wasContinue Reading

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Truly horrifying! Manticore is set inside the worst unit of a maximum security prison. Fish is the newest prisoner until a transfer from Gitmo arrives. Then the bodies start piling up. Why are the prisoners given experimental, and possibly psychotropic, drugs? Does that explain the deaths? This is a goodContinue Reading

Excellent Davenport thriller as always with even more psychopaths than usual. Two men rob a Honduran mob’s drug money packaging room. In the process, they kill two security guards and two money counters. Unfortunately, one of the victims has brought his young granddaughter, who is also killed. Davenport, a newlyContinue Reading

This is a short non-fiction book about the celebrity culture in which we currently live. It is interesting and definitely worth the time to read it. The cover of the book says “The famous, the infamous, and why we care way too much about them”. I expected more research thanContinue Reading

Perfect Beach Read! If the summer tv show Love Connection is your fav, then this book will hit that same sweet spot. Also for fans of Bridget Jones, this laugh out loud detailing of a hapless first grade teacher’s love life is delicious from start to finish. Rae is divorcedContinue Reading

Sweet graphic novel showcasing the Louvre’s acquisition process Fabien, a Louvre security guard, meets his girlfriend’s family for the first time. The family has an ancestor’s painting in their attic that they want Fabien to evaluate. What happens to the painting is the plot of this graphic novel. I reallyContinue Reading