
Sometimes you want to read a light humorous cozy mystery or romance. Other times, you want to read a book that makes you think deeply and ponder the future. Nexus fills the second need. This book is intense and thought provoking. We have all heard the arguments both pro andContinue Reading

Capital & Ideology

Capital & Ideology is a graphic novel adaption of the famous non-fiction book of the same name. This version uses a fictional family across centuries to teach basic economics history and theories. It works well for high schoolers and up. However, younger children will be quickly bored by all theContinue Reading

Sleep Tight

Sleep Tight is labeled as a horror thriller. However, it reads more like a psychological thriller featuring a serial killer with a bit of police procedural thrown in for spice. I liked it but was expecting a more supernatural vibe that just wasn’t there. The renowned serial killer nicknamed FatherContinue Reading

The Accomplice

A small town Texas bank is robbed. It had to be an inside job. The Accomplice is easily identified by Texas Ranger Nia. But who is the robber and what is his underlying plan? Who is the mysterious stranger who appears in town to investigate the crime? And who isContinue Reading

This Book Kills

This Book Kills is a young adult mystery that tries to cram a few too many subplots into one book. Jess is one of only two scholarship students at the prestigious British prep school Heybucket. She is constantly worried about losing her scholarship and embarrassing her ethnic Indian parents. Meanwhile,Continue Reading

Mythos: The Illustrated Edition

I love the idea of myths. Greek and Roman gods! They’re just like us! After reading (for pleasure, really) Robert Graves’ The Greek Myths in elementary school and taking an equally dry college mythology course, I’m ready to have some fun with mythical tales. Mythos: The Illustrated Edition fulfills thatContinue Reading

A Messy Murder

In A Messy Murder, professional declutterer Ellen finds another dead body. Humph was a D List celebrity with a chat show cancelled long ago. A copy of an article published by him explaining why humans should stop taking up resources when they turn 80 years old is found near hisContinue Reading

The Night Guest

The protagonist in The Night Guest is tired all the time. She also awakens with muscle aches and even bruises some nights. When she accidentally leaves her fitness watch on one night, she discovers that she has done 40,000 steps while she was asleep. How can she stop this sleepwalking?Continue Reading

The Lady Vanishes

I loved the 1938 Hitchcock film, The Lady Vanishes. Agatha Christie is my gold standard when it comes to classic mysteries. So by all accounts, I should love this golden age mystery on which the film is based. Unfortunately, I didn’t. The story is incredibly dated with a whole lotContinue Reading

Fatal Intrusion

Carmen Sanchez is a Department of Homeland Security investigator whose sister Selina is attacked. She takes leave from her job to investigate. She pulls in a college professor, Jake Heron who is an expert hacker, to help her find the attacker. Jake and Carmen have a history. Carmen and SalinaContinue Reading