Vegan Bodybuilder’s Cookbook

Vegan Bodybuilder's Cookbook

In her new Vegan Bodybuilder’s Cookbook, the Jacked on the Beanstalk blogger clearly states that you can be meat and dairy free while still winning bodybuilding competitions. Plus she has the receipts to prove it. She was the 2014 WNBF bikini pro and the coach of the winner of the 2015 $200K 12-week Transformation Challenge.

So what’s her secret? Protein received from a diet heavy in tofu, beans, quinoa, seeds, nuts, and vegan protein powder. There are three diet plans shown depending on whether the user wants to bulk up, slim down, or maintain their current shape. The author advocates meal prepping to speed up daily meal creation and reduce mealtime mistakes. You know that “I’m too tired to make a Buddha bowl tonight and one Impossible Whopper can’t be that bad for me” excuse. For each plan, prepping is explained step-by-step. In addition, a shopping and equipment list, as well as a weekly meal plan chart, is provided.

My only complaint is all the meals are the same Sunday through Tuesday and Wednesday through Saturday on the meal plans. The recipes have much more variety. So if you are willing to cook more often and set up your own meal plans, this objection can be overcome.

And the recipes sound delicious. Tex-Mex tofu scramble, protein pancakes, curried quinoa salad, cheesy white bean cauliflower soup, sweet potato nachos, zucchini fritters with marinara, lentil shepherd’s pie with smashed sweet potato, deconstructed cabbage roll stew, black bean brownie mug cake, vanilla almond truffles, and strawberry chia jam are just a few of the recipes included here. Each recipe includes labels for gluten-free, nut-free, and soy-free as well as full nutritional information. Most include nutrition, substitution, and storage tips too. The only thing missing are pictures. If you are fine with that, I think most aspiring vegan bodybuilders (or really any vegans who want to get healthier) will be inspired by the Vegan Bodybuilder’s Cookbook. 4 stars!

Thanks to Rockridge Press and Callisto Publisher’s Club for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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