Second Nature

What was causing a horrific smell and strangely common illnesses in a suburb of Los Angeles? Why were sea stars (aka starfish) pulling off their limbs and then liquefying? What was killing animals and people in West Virginia? How are the new “meatless meats” made and why? These are justContinue Reading

Micro Food Gardening

Micro Food Gardening is a space-saving way to learn to garden and eat healthier! Plus, it is just fun to get your hands dirty once in a while. No matter the size of your home and yard, you can micro garden. The author cleverly repurposes items many people already haveContinue Reading

Final Revival of Opal & Nev

The Final Revival of Opal & Nev is clearly in the same sub-genre of fictional 1970s music biography as Daisy and the Six. But this book layers on more of the era’s potent political activism and violent tendencies. Unfortunately, many of the issues are still relevant today. The characters withinContinue Reading

Three Mrs Greys

Vanessa has a problem. Though happily married, she is having an affair with a much younger man. When she dumps her boy toy, he vows revenge. Later, Vanessa receives a call from the hospital. Her husband has been shot by a masked man. At the hospital, she learns of aContinue Reading

The Pornification of America

What started as a feminist movement to empower females to have the same sexual options as males has turned into The Pornification of America. Raunch culture is everywhere! It’s in advertising, movies, social media, and even music. This book attempts to explain how we got here and why this environmentContinue Reading