Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is the story of two childhood friends, Sam and Sadie. After being estranged for six years, they meet again when both are enrolled in nearby colleges. They decide to make a video game one summer that changes their lives.
The plot, as stated above, doesn’t seem as compelling as the work itself. This look into Sam and Sadie’s lives is totally character driven. You can’t help but like them and be curious what happens to them by the end. And when that end arrives, you’ll be sad to see them go.
There are multiple subtexts in the book. How games are made, how disability impacts people and how it feels to be Asian are all explored within Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Best of all the types and nature of friendship are fully probed.
I loved this book. It helps a bit to have an interest in gaming, but the book would be enjoyable for most readers. 5 stars and a favorite!
Thanks to Knopf and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.