Park Bench cover pic

Just a marvelously heartwarming story about life through a park bench’s eyes.  Park Bench opens with a young boy carving I heart U in a park bench. Throughout the seasons, people pass by the park bench.  Some sit for a while. Others sleep while avoiding the park’s police.  No wordsContinue Reading

Don't Let Go Cover Pic

Don’t Let Go is another riveting psychological thriller by Mr. Coben! Nap lost his twin brother, Leo, and Leo’s girlfriend, Diana, one high school night to a train collision.  The same night Nap’s girlfriend, Maura, disappeared.  When Don’t Let Go begins, it is fifteen years later. Nap is a policeContinue Reading

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Propels the plot forward significantly plus fantastic ending! The Walking Dead graphic novels must be read in order and to summarize any part of this plot will be SPOILERS for the previous volumes. So reader beware! Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown… Rick decided, after consulting with Negan,Continue Reading

Two Fantastic Mysteries in One Book. I absolutely loved this book. It starts with an editor reading the latest mystery written by their best selling author. The manuscript is written in the style of Agatha Christie’s books. It is set in a small English village where everyone is a suspectContinue Reading

Excellent Davenport thriller as always with even more psychopaths than usual. Two men rob a Honduran mob’s drug money packaging room. In the process, they kill two security guards and two money counters. Unfortunately, one of the victims has brought his young granddaughter, who is also killed. Davenport, a newlyContinue Reading

Beautiful Illustrations with an Unusual Plot The world has gone crazy in this well plotted beautifully illustrated graphic novel. Suddenly after the Great Divide, one human touching another kills one of them. The killed live on in the brain of the killer as “riders”. Once a rider is in residence,Continue Reading

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Excellent WWII Historical Romance. I really enjoyed this historical romance set during World War II between a first generation Japanese woman and her American boyfriend. It was interesting to learn about the Relocation Centers used solely for people of Japanese descent, regardless of their citizenship status. It is interesting thatContinue Reading

Breakout cover pic

Compelling short read. Highly recommended! Usually I don’t like short stories because they are either slice-of-life character studies with little plot or characterless stories with a “surprise” twist at the end. This story in contrast has just the right amount of interesting characters and action-driven plot. It is rather amazingContinue Reading

Turner cover pic

Great scary read! I truly loved Turner. It reminded me of the feeling I got reading The Exorcist and The Omen for the first time years ago. It was straight up scary (though I did read it at night in the dark on my Kindle after everyone else was asleepContinue Reading