Field Guide to Citizen Science

“There will always be more unknown than known, more rocks waiting to be overturned.” To be a part-time scientist, you only need a cell phone and the Field Guide to Citizen Science. is an online database of more than 1,600 science projects that need help from regular people justContinue Reading

How To

If you ever wondered How To send a letter home from the space station or land a space shuttle in downtown LA, I have the perfect instruction book for you. What if I use real science to solve hypothetical problems? For example, how can I get rid of this bookContinue Reading

Its a Numberful World

YouTuber Eddie Woo tries, and succeeds, to make math interesting in It’s a Numberful World. “If you go down deep enough into anything, you will find mathematics.” Eddie proves his point by explaining why rainbows are round, blood vessels and lightning bolts look alike, and the zeros are in theContinue Reading

Curious Creatable Creatures

Why didn’t they have books like Curious Creatable Creatures when I was young? I made a model of Frankenstein that just stood there (and would be worth a lot more now if I had never even opened it). Many of these twenty-two creatures light up, make music, and move! TwoContinue Reading