The Medieval Knight

The Medieval Knight was popular from 1200-1500 throughout Europe. English kings and nobles originally required forty days of knightly service, either fighting or standing guard, in exchange for bequeathing land to the knight. However, they were soon forced to pay the knights too. It was getting increasingly expensive to beContinue Reading

Gillbert Vol 3

The Fiery Pyrockians live in the Earth’s core. But one day, they are shot out of a volcano into the hidden undersea world of Gillbert. The sea is ruled by Gillbert’s parents from Atlanticus. Gillbert Vol 3 tells the story of how the sea and its residents changed the FieryContinue Reading

What Cats Want

The universal question is not what is the meaning of life. No, for many pet owners the question is about What Cats Want. This book goes into detail about what common cat behaviors mean. In addition, there are sections on how cat biology is different than humans—both for better andContinue Reading