The Power Plate Diet

The Power Plate Diet has four rules: No super-starchy carbs after 4 p.m. Cut back on added sugar Cut back on sodium Cut back on alcohol In addition, what goes on your plate varies based on meal. For breakfast, it’s a third each of proteins, carbs, and fruits/non-starchy vegetables. ForContinue Reading


So you’ve Konmari’ed your entire house (or at least have a drawer of items that spark joy and a closet that is best forgotten), what’s next? Why not try Niksen? It’s the Dutch art of doing nothing translated into a new American act of decluttering your mind. Or, according toContinue Reading

Deep Into the Dark

“Predators, prey, parasites – that was Los Angeles in three words, and more often than not, it was hard to make a distinction between them.”—from Deep into the Dark Sam is a wounded soldier back from Afghanistan fighting intense PTSD nightmares. Despite having an engineering degree, Sam works at theContinue Reading

A Curious Incident

It all started with a missing cat. Eleven-year-old Lauren asks Gemma to help her find Snowball, which Gemma promptly does. A few days later, Lauren is back asking Gemma to clear her mom, Sheila, of murder charges. The victim, Anna, was suspected of having an affair with Lauren’s dad, David.Continue Reading

The Scorpion's Tail

If you’ve read any other books by these authors, you know that you are going to learn some engrossing facts about some relatively obscure historical event. In The Scorpion’s Tale, the event is the routing of the Spaniards from New Mexico by the Apache during the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.Continue Reading