Here Beside the Rising Tide is an unusual book. It begins as the story of a steamy romance writer’s own divorce. It adds a bit of romance and a whole lot of fantasy. Not sexual fantasy…but Pokémon fantasy? What if renamed Pokémon characters were recruited to fight off a real sea monster trying to destroy the world? Oh, and don’t forget the ten-year-old boy who disappeared into the sea decades ago only to return unchanged decades later. WTF?
I like fantasy but this book goes a bit too far into the deep end for me. This is coming from someone obsessed enough with playing Pokémon Go that I actually walked outside (and not just to my car) for a year after it came out. But Here Beside the Rising Tide pushes my love for animalistic fantasy friends to the breaking point.
This book could be the perfect choice for former (and current—no judgment here) Pokémon card and old school “color” and “gem” video game fans. For others, it will take a lot of imagination, and a very active ability to suspend disbelief, to enjoy this unique book. 3 stars.
Thanks to NetGalley and Hyperion Avenue for providing me with an advanced review copy.