Dead Money

Dead Money

Dead Money a twisty and challenging mystery perfect for all you armchair detectives out there!

Mackenzie is a fixer for rich tech bros. When one bro is murdered, he leaves his money tied up within his estate, possibly for years. Mackenzie works for a venture capitalist firm highly invested in the dead man’s company. With the police at a dead end, Mackenzie must step in, solve the mystery, and make a bit of money for herself.

I really loved Dead Money. It reminds me of a modern Agatha Christie fair play novel with the twists and surprises of The Da Vinci Code. It also allows you to see behind the scenes of the real Silicon Valley because the author has a history in that field. This book is highly recommended. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to NetGalley and Bantam Books for providing me with an advanced review copy.

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