The prospect of a comfortable retirement has, unfortunately, become an increasingly elusive dream and it is Downhill from Here.
In 2017, less than half of US employers provided a company-sponsored retirement plan. Even employees who thought they were covered have lost their retirement to bankruptcy and recent changes in the law allowing companies to renege on their agreements. Employees must increasing rely on their own 401(k) investments and the uncertain future of social security.
While Downhill from Here does look at how other countries deal with retirement, there are no non-socialist solutions presented in the book. Also, the book only skims over how much worse the retirement prospects are for generation Y, millenials and older Generation X employees. Between no pensions and ballooning student debt, the author could write an entire book focusing on them.
Working for county government, many of the takeaways described in the book have already been done to us. We have a two-tier retirement system. We were forced to pay more of the employer’s share for the same benefit about ten years ago. However, I’m just grateful we have a pension at all.
Downhill from Here explores an important subject. It is recommended reading for those within 5-15 years from retirement. 4 stars.
Thanks to Metropolitan Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.