So you have celiac or need to stop eating gluten because it doesn’t “agree with you”. The Celiac Disease Cookbook for the Newly Diagnosed is the perfect way to feel better (and less sorry for yourself).
It is a soul-crushing blow when you realize most breads, pies, cakes, flour tortillas, and cookies are forbidden for you now. Plus if you were like me, addicted to fast food, get ready to forget most of that too. Many common fast food drive-thru restaurants have few if any foods that are gluten-free. Even the ones that are gluten-free may have been cross-contaminated since they don’t have a separate gluten-free kitchen. The good news is that you may lose some weight like I did. You also will find many hidden gluten-free foods that are delicious in your grocery store’s frozen section. Of course, they will not quite taste the same and they will be probably at least double the price. Did I mention you will probably lose weight?
To save money, even if you are not a Cook (with a capital C), you will soon learn that the easiest and cheapest way to be gluten-free is to cook your food at home. Doing that will save money if you are used to eating out (even with fast food dollar menus). You can use that money to buy your now thinner self some new clothes.
The book has a profusion of recipes utilizing gluten-free flour and other tricks of the trade that can be used to modify your own family’s recipes. All the recipes also indicate whether they are dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, vegetarian, vegan or 30-minutes or less to cook. Most also have tips and substitution notes. All have full nutritional information. The recipes go from breakfasts to dinners and desserts. Most sound delicious.
It would have been great to have read the Celiac Disease Cookbook for the Newly Diagnosed when I was first diagnosed myself with gluten sensitivity. It contains many hints about how to deal with being gluten-free that I had to learn the hard way. However, there is no easy way to give up gluten in a world based on wheat and other gluten-containing foods. The best answer to the “just a little won’t hurt you” is to mention that you have an entirely different toaster because even one crumb makes a huge difference in the gluten-free world. However, this book will make the process less intimidating and difficult for first time gluten avoiders. Good luck on your journey! I guarantee it will get easier with each passing year. 4.5 stars rounded up to 5 stars for the excellent advice regarding avoiding gluten.
Thanks to Rockridge Press and the Callisto Publisher’s Club for a copy in exchange for my honest review.