Dry Foot

In Dry Foot, four teens decide in 1980s Miami to rob their local drug lord to escape the neighborhood they fear. The art is beautiful and probably worth the price of the book. However, the plot has some serious pacing problems. It started slow as if the author thought heContinue Reading


Wonderworks has a unique concept. Let’s look across time and place to find twenty-five literary tools that most impact writing today. Then, show how they began to be used and how they continue to be used today in both books and film. Finally, how you can use the technique inContinue Reading

Fatal Fried Rice

Once again Lana Lee is trying to solve a mystery with her roommate, Megan, and best friend, Kimmie, in Fatal Fried Rice. It’s embarrassing but family-owed Noodle House manager, Lana, can’t cook Chinese food. She sneaks off to a night class to learn on the sly. Of course, she findsContinue Reading

Two Meals a Day

You can move along folks. There’s nothing new to see here! Two Meals a Day tries to combine the currently fashionable intermittent fasting with a grain-less, processed sugar-free, and no seed oil diet. It also throws in aerobic exercise, journalizing, Marie Kondozing, and orange light only before bedtime. If youContinue Reading

You're History

You’re History takes a unique perspective to music criticism. Finally, the lyrics alone are not the point.  “The most captivating music is slippery, telegraphing a secret meaning while asserting its intentions at face value. Music is not always about depth and timber: sometimes the song is best served by aContinue Reading

Her Dark Lies

Her Dark Lies is a dark gothic thriller set on an Italian island where everyone has secrets and people keep dying. It was supposed to be a romantic island wedding. But then the first body is found. And what really happened to the groom’s first wife? The wife that wentContinue Reading

What Unites Us

At its heart, What Unites Us is a memoir of an elderly white man’s life from the casual racism of his youth to the Trump administration’s perceived nationalism. It also attempts to explain what is causing our national chaos and how we can, and should, move forward toward a kinder,Continue Reading