
Cuckoo is an atmospheric gothic mystery set in a rural English house, where even the heroine doubts her sanity. Is she hallucinating? Are ghosts present or is it her memories coming back of her horrible childhood? Caro is a starving artist in London when she is informed her stepmother hasContinue Reading

Delicate Crochet

Delicate Crochet uses a lightweight yarn (#3 or below) to create almost a lace effect in the twenty-three projects described. The projects include four cardigans, two pullover sweaters, one vest, one poncho, one summer top, one skirt, one necklace and a pair of fingerless gloves. There are also four wraps,Continue Reading


Lowdown, a romantic thriller set in the world of New York City’s mafia families, has the best first paragraph I’ve read in a long time: “The first seven years you’re in the can, all you can think about is revenge. The next seven years you crave freedom and things youContinue Reading


Like Columbo, Newcomer is a new approach to a police procedural. Eight stories each tell an investigative tale. By the last chapter, the detective has solved the crime. Precinct Detective Sergeant Kaga is a new transfer to Tokyo’s police department investigating a murder. He is a self-effacing bumbler on theContinue Reading

Relatively Normal

It’s that time of year when you look around at your assembled family during your holiday party and decide they look Relatively Normal.  At least they will, after you read this laugh-out-loud book. Cat runs an event planning company in New York City. She meets and becomes engaged to Ethan,Continue Reading

Better Balance for Life

Balance only turns on when a person is standing. In the modern world of smart phones and Uber, people mostly sit. Without regular practice, balance is lost. Better Balance for Life details easy exercises to be done while also doing daily tasks that will prevent this decline in balance. WithContinue Reading


Watersnakes is a modern fairy tale that is highly recommended. An eerie fable about a ghost who carries the soul of an ancient king, and whose teeth are the king’s warriors. She kisses a living girl and vomits an octopus, who begs to be taken to the sea. Best forContinue Reading

My Sister, the Serial Killer

In My Sister, the Serial Killer, Korede is a good sister, who cleans up her younger sister Ayoola’s messes, literally. With bleach. Ayoola, though beautiful, has man problems—she keeps killing them. As the book begins, Ayoola has just killed her third boyfriend. After googling the definition of serial killer, KoredeContinue Reading

Quantum Convention

Containing eight science fiction/fantasy stories, Quantum Convention has a story for all tastes. A man sneaks away from his wife to a Quantum Convention where he meets himself from 100 different universes each where a single different decision was made. An orphan finds a career as a professional mourner. AContinue Reading

How to Get Rid of a President

“The Executive will be always increasing here, as elsewhere, till it ends in a monarchy.” –Benjamin Franklin. How to Get Rid of a President describes the true stories of how former Presidents were removed from office. Ben didn’t need to worry as there are many ways to remove an unpopularContinue Reading


Fans of the Limetown podcast rejoice! Many of your lingering questions are answered within these pages. Plus there are no spoilers for future podcasts. Lia wants to be a reporter. Her first investigation is of the missing residents of nearby Limetown. She discovers that her Uncle Emile is somehow involved,Continue Reading


Stream-of-consciousness on the topic of Insomnia. Most people, like me, occasionally have trouble sleeping. When lying awake in bed, strange and varied thoughts run willy-nilly through your brain. If those thoughts were put on paper, it would be this book. It contains science, art, philosophy and even mythology related toContinue Reading

It will be the best of times. It will be the worst of times. How will your life change when there is No One at the Wheel? “Most transportation experts say that by 2075 driven cars will be completely replaced…By 2035, we may find that the majority of driving milesContinue Reading