The Ultimate Trivia Volume 1 is an excellent compendium of more than 800 trivia questions. This volume contains these topics:
- Animals and Nature
- Arts and Literature
- Food and Drink
- US and World History
There are also three types of questions: multiple choice, Q&A, and sequencing.
Question Examples
Multiple choice is the easiest because the answer is right there and you have a 25% chance even if you have to guess. Here is an example.
Which of the following is not a low-carb diet?
- keto
- Atkins
- Whole30
- WW (formerly Weight Watchers)
Question and Answer is more complex because a word bank is used to match with a series of questions. Not all the words in the word bank will be used. An example is below.
The Country formerly known as…
Word Bank
Aruba, Belize, Czechoslovakia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Malawi, Myanmar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Yugoslavia, and Zambia
The questions
South West Africa
British Honduras
Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia (among others)
Dutch East Indies
Finally, the most challenging are sequencing questions. This one is my favorite of the headline questions.
Put these headlines in order from oldest to newest
“All Drowned but 868”
“Japs Bomb Hawaii”
“World War is Over”
“Dr. Einstein is Dead”
“Navy Hunts Amelia Lost in Pacific Ocean”
“Goebbels Suicide as Berlin Falls”
But there are those types of questions for other areas like this easier one in the Arts and Literature chapter.
Put these top teen book series in order from first to last
J.K. Rowling
The Goblet of Fire
The Sorcerer’s Stone
The Chamber of Secrets
The Order of the Phoenix
The Deathly Hallows
The Prisoner of Azkaban
The Half-Blood Prince
My Thoughts
If you are attending or hosting a party or business meeting, these are some great icebreakers that will get everyone talking to each other. The Ultimate Trivia Volume 1 is also great for long road trips, pub contests, and just to challenge yourself. 5 stars!
Thanks to Rockridge Press and Callisto for a copy in exchange for my honest review.
Answer Key
Click here for the answers to the questions above. The password is Answers.