Copenhagen police detectives, Jeppe and Anette, are assigned to the murder of a young woman in The Tenant. The woman, Julie, was brutally killed in her apartment. There are a number of suspects. But why was the same murder scenario previously written by the landlady in her unpublished thriller. Could she be reenacting her plot in real life?
I expect a certain dark foreboding in my Scandinavian detective thrillers. Unfortunately, that feeling was missing in this book. In fact, it has a distinctly upbeat feeling that may increase tourism to Copenhagen.
However, if you avoid my erroneous assumption, The Tenant is a well-plotted police procedural set in a beautiful country rarely used in thrillers. The plot sets a good pace. The perpetrator was a genuine surprise to me. The characterizations, especially of the two main characters, are spot-on. They will make me return for the next book in the series. 3.5 stars!
Thanks to Scout Press, Gallery Books, and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.