Jackson Bird had a problem growing up in a 1990s suburban Texas neighborhood. Born female, Jackson identified more with boy clothes and haircuts. However, in high school, Jackson tried to ignore the feeling by dressing feminine. During college, Jackson became a gay trans male and a videographer. This is his story.
Jackson’s story is heartfelt and emotional but also empowering. He now is happily pursuing his most important documentary—his own story. He tells of confusion about trans culture because of growing up in a heavily role-based town. Both girls and boys had parts to play in life and there was little to no variation allowed.
To avoid that issue with other people, Jackson does YouTube videos, TED talks, and this excellent book that explains how to speak and interact with people who just happen to be trans. It also is a memoir of Jackson’s experience of awakening and ultimate transition. By Sorted, the author means like by the sorting hat in Harry Potter—not in the British slang meaning of fixing a problem. It’s not a problem, it’s just Jackson.
While Sorted is a great book if you or a loved one is having some gender issues, it is also an excellent memoir that most people will enjoy. Jackson’s story is brutally honest and compelling to read. 5 stars!
Thanks to Tiller Press and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.