Peking Duck and Cover

Peking Duck and Cover

Happy Chinese New Year! In Peking Duck and Cover, it’s that time of year again for Chinese restaurant manager, Lana Lee. She is coordinating an Asian Village, her restaurant’s outdoor mall, party complete with a dance troop and fireworks. Little does she suspect, though regular series readers will be anticipating, that a murder will occur during the festivities. It’s Lana, her roommate/best friend Megan, and Lana’s detective boyfriend Adam who must bust the killer. However, there are plenty of suspects so it will be a challenge. Can you beat them to finding the murderer?

I always enjoy spending time with Lana and her family and friends. They are multifaceted and just fun to be around. This time the mystery was more of a challenge than usual. I barely beat Lana to the reveal after being sidelined a bit by a very believable red herring. Overall, I found Peking Duck and Cover to be a fun and enjoyable cozy mystery with a great mystery to puzzle out. 4 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for providing me with an advance review copy.

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