Very literary version of a mystery using the characters and mechanics of the board game, Clue. Throughout most of it, I felt Not a Clue who would find this book an enjoyable read.
“There are six of you and you killed me. One of you or maybe each of you.”
Each of the characters in the board game are used as pseudonyms in an insane asylum. Fully two-thirds of the book is used for only two of them. Miss Scarlett is an office worker sleeping with her boss who is in an asylum for amnesia. Professor Plum is an unsuccessful writer and suicide practitioner.
I can’t overestimate the importance of the book’s language to your enjoyment of the book. If you have a Kindle, download the sample. If you are in a bookstore (and good for you if you are), read at least the first two chapters before purchasing the book. You will immediately know if Not a Clue is for you.
After reading it in its entirety, I can assure you it is not for me. Using the forced concept of a game of Clue just made this book pretentious. I’m sure this book will be discussed in many English literature Master’s theses but it didn’t work for me. I didn’t care what happened to any of the characters and was just praying for the last page. 1 star.
Thanks to University of Nebraska Press and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.