

Great for fans of kooky science fiction, Heartbreaker is definitely not for most readers. However, if you are looking for something different, you will love this book as much as I do.

Pony Darlene was born and raised in a cult. Her mother has run off and her dad’s nickname is the Heavy. What does a fifteen-year-old need to do to score a boyfriend and eventual husband in this cult? And why does the territory draw blood regularly from all the females?

Wow, the world building here is awesome incorporating Warren Jeff’s FLDS with the weird physics of Stranger Things. I hate to say more because it is a much better read if you don’t know even the basic plot. However, if you are ready for something different, this is it.

I’m happy that a major publisher, Random House, took on such a difficult book to categorize. I can’t even say whether this is science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, horror or literary fiction. Judging by the early reviews, you will either hate or love Heartbreaker. Personally, I loved it. 5 stars!

Thanks to the publisher, Random House, and NetGalley for an advanced copy.


  1. This sounds like an interesting read.

  2. Thank you

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