Hazel & Fox have marriage problems soon after the birth of their baby girl. Fox is concerned that their hobby might risk their family. But Hazel is bored without the constant thrills of murdering men “who really deserve it”. Thus starts the new thriller, A Serial Killer’s Guide to Marriage.
The idea of merging Mr. And Mrs. Smith with Dexter is an intriguing one. However in this book, the two main characters were pretty annoying. Also, very unlikable. Detestable even. I was hoping they would both die, or at least go to jail, by the conclusion. Speaking of the conclusion, it was totally unbelievable even by comic serial killer plot (is that a sub-genre now?) standards. In fact after reading A Serial Killer’s Guide to Marriage, I still wasn’t sure if this book was trying to be a parody, of plots that I liked much better, or not.
Obviously, I didn’t enjoy this book very much. But you may be okay with it if you:
- Don’t mind disliking the main characters in a book,
- Are okay with unbelievable book conclusions, and
- Feel intense animosity towards an ex and need a healthy outlet for your frustrations that doesn’t end with jail time
Now that I’ve written it down, I can see that this book might have a wider audience than I assumed. I’ll give it 3 stars to average my rating with the general consensus toward a 4 star ranking.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bantam for providing me with an advanced review copy.