The Wife Who Knew Too Much has the best opening paragraph I’ve read in quite a while.
“I’m writing this to raise an alarm in case of my untimely death. This is hard to admit, even to myself, let alone to the world. My husband is planning to kill me. For obvious reasons. He’s in love with someone else. And he wants my money.”
The next day, the author, Nina, is dead.
Nina’s death is ruled a suicide. However, when her husband Connor’s new wife, Tabitha, finds the note in Nina’s diary, she begins to suspect Connor. Did Connor kill his first, much-older, wife for her money? Is Tabitha herself in danger? Or was Nina just trying to blacken Connor’s reputation before taking her own life?
Tabitha is unbelievably naive—to the point of being annoying. I understand, she’s in luuuv. But she is also thirty, divorced, and should have acquired some smarts along the way. For goodness sake, she was treated badly by Connor and his family thirteen years prior when they initially dated. I think falling for the same scumbag twice might make her fall on the stupid side of the naive line.
Because I had no sympathy for any of the characters, I’m giving The Wife Who Knew Too Much 3 stars. However, if you love reading about troubled romances, you may like this book better than I did.
Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.