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Good Religious Thrillers.

I previously read the first book in this collection separately.  I am rating only the second book, Journey, here.  I’m taking a break from reading the remaining novels as the plot lines are somewhat repetitive. I am curious what will happen to the main characters so I will read the rest of the series later.

The market for this book series is those who can have a little fun with religion but are religious enough to understand the Bible references. It was fine for me but I can understand some of the negative reviews from those who interpret the Bible literally. However, I thought the novels’ ideas were innovative and I always love reading a genre that hasn’t already been played out. This series’ genre is religious thriller but it also has some romances at different phases within it and a murder or two (though it is not a mystery who the murderer is). Since the novels have plots that build onto one another, I would highly recommend you read them in order.

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