The Herd

The Herd is a female-only shared workspace run by Eleanor. There is waiting list a mile long but Katie cuts the line. Katie’s sister, Hana is the company’s freelance publicist—and Eleanor’s confidante. On Katie’s first day, the company has a break-in overnight with nothing stolen—but an anti-women slogan is foundContinue Reading

Castle Skull

Be forewarned! Castle Skull is not your typical John Dickson Carr mystery. It has many melodramatic elements tacked onto the traditional golden-age mystery. A castle that looks like a skull. Its owner, a magician, missing from a train car who is later found drowned in a nearby river. A closeContinue Reading

Little Eyes

For $279 each, you can have Little Eyes in an awkwardly-shaped stuffed animal running around your house or office. They’re called Kentukis. A combination of a Furby, Alexa, and a one-way cellphone call. They can’t talk but they are sentient. In fact, they are run by a real person, calledContinue Reading

Pollock Confidential

Who knew that Jackson Pollock and Abstract Expressionist was financially supported by the CIA to beat Russian Communism. Mind blown! This and more secrets are in the accurately named Pollock Confidential. The artwork is very golden-age superhero. I expected to see color pixels if I looked really close. It fitsContinue Reading

Hello, Summer

When a new Mary Kay Andrews’ book comes out, everyone knows that summer is just around the corner. This year the book’s title, Hello, Summer, says it all. Conley wiped the dirt from her small Florida hometown off her shoes and eventually became a Pulitzer-prize nominated investigative journalist. She’s aboutContinue Reading

Technology Procurement Handbook

As society has moved closer to a service economy, so too has procurement moved from compliance to a value-added service. While not strictly a profit center, every dollar a buyer saves goes directly into the company’s pocket. To keep up with today’s fast-moving economy, procurement must go from a searchContinue Reading

Brilliant Maps for Curious Minds

Brilliant Maps for Curious Minds bills itself as a reference book. However, it is much more interesting than that. It contains 100 maps containing intriguing geographic and demographic facts shown on, of course, a map. For example, there is a map of the world with countries colored based on theirContinue Reading

Have a Deadly New Year?

“‘What are you doing here?’ he demands. ‘It’s my first day back.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ He steps closer, his eyes burrowing into me. ‘You haven’t worked here in years.’” So begins the new thriller, Have You Seen Me?, by Kate White. Ally Linden is thirty-four. And that’s allContinue Reading

The Split

The Split is a superb twisty thriller with multiple layers of mystery waiting to be unfolded. Felicity is working on South Georgia Island near Antarctica studying glaciers. She is also hiding from someone in her past. Felicity was hoping no one could find her in such a remote location. SheContinue Reading

Logging Off

“There just aren’t enough hours in the day!” Andy is a self-employed freelance graphic designer with intestinal issues. With a fixation on social media, gaming, and streaming, there is zero hope of his Logging Off anytime soon. Until he gets cancer… No. according to his real doctor—not the cancer-pronouncing Dr.Continue Reading

Eat, and Love Yourself

Mindy is thick, fluffy, or chubby depending on your culture. But she is definitely not feeling the motto Eat, and Love Yourself. However, when she finds a chocolate bar labeled like that, she hopefully tries it with eye-opening results. Eating disorders and bad self-esteem are serious and this book handlesContinue Reading