In Wait Till Helen Comes, Michael and Molly are siblings who have a troubled younger stepsister named Heather. When their blended family moves to the country, Heather appears to have found an imaginary friend, Helen. Molly thinks Helen is a malignant ghost bent on killing children. But, Michael, their mom and stepdad think Helen is harmless and that Molly has too vivid an imagination.
The tale has the creepy crawly feel of gothic horror despite being set in modern times. I think middle school children would enjoy the book. However, as an adult, I couldn’t stop feeling how unfair it was on Molly and Michael to make them watch Heather constantly. If I were Molly, I may have just let Helen do what she wanted to Heather.
For children in middle school, Wait Till Helen Comes may be a good choice. For adults? Not so much. 3 stars.
Thanks to Clarion Books and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.