In the first in a new thriller series, Thin Ice, Beth Rivers is a popular thriller writer, who has just escaped a crazed fan. During her escape, she was injured and her stalker vanished. To avoid him, Beth moves to remote Benedict, Alaska. When a local woman is killed, Beth wonders if her stalker has beat her to town—and is still intent on having Beth all to himself.
Most of the residents of Benedict have secrets. After becoming a reporter for the town’s newspaper, Beth starts assisting the local police in unraveling some local crimes and misdemeanors. While the minor crimes are mostly solved by the book’s conclusion, the principal plot of Beth’s abduction and escape is not.
My number one pet peeve is cliffhangers to major plot points left hanging at the end of the book. Unfortunately, Thin Ice has that issue to an extent not seen since the television series Dallas in the 1980s. Ugh, I really enjoyed the scenic rural Alaskan setting but hated the conclusion. You may feel differently, especially if you are reading this book after the next book in the series has come out so you can read the ending in the next book. 3 stars.
Thanks to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.