Seven strangers find themselves alone on Earth. The Apocalypse Seven must figure out what happened to everyone else. In addition, they need to decide how to proceed from here.
I love the idea of this book much better than the execution itself. In the beginning, I enjoyed hunting for clues about what happened in each person’s story. However, after the third almost identical description, I started, unfortunately, becoming bored. So, I felt that the build up to the stunning conclusion was too long and too slow. But I felt the conclusion, which began at 85% into the book, was rushed. Still, the ending was awesome and completely different than what I guessed. Therefore, I’ll give The Apocalypse Seven 4 stars for its well thought out world-building and innovative finale.
Thanks to John Joseph Adams, Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.