
I’ve been a Trekker from way back. I also adored anything written by Robert Heinlein. Trigor is another optimistic space opera. It has a multitude of love, adventure, and world-building within it. Pilot X had destroyed three civilizations, including his own in the self-named previous book in the series. SoContinue Reading

FTL, Y'All!

Large mixed bag of comic short stories all with the theme of cheap space travel fill FTL Y’All. There are 21 stories within this 327-page book. Most have the theme that Earth is a wasteland but outer space isn’t much better. Crowds, bureaucracy, and masses of people have ruined EarthContinue Reading

Letter 44 Vol 1

Captivating could-be-happening-now science-fiction plot with appealing artwork. There is a real tradition of former presidents leaving a personal note for the new president. In Letter 44 Vol 1, the note says aliens are building a mysterious object in our solar system. No one except for a few top defense staffContinue Reading

Void Trip

Ana and Gabe are addicted to froot, the mostly illegal hallucinogen. They also pilot a space ship in a future world. Ana looks and acts like Spicoli from Ridgemont High. The plot is reminiscent of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Weird stuff just keeps happening and that’s it forContinue Reading


Ho hum space POW camp story. With this author’s background, it is surprising that Stalag-X contains nothing innovative or even interesting. A mysterious prisoner, known only as Joe Human, gets swept up in a space battle. Taken prisoner by the alien Krael, the other POWs at Stalag-X hate him forContinue Reading