Forbidden Door

The Jane Hawk series finally hits its stride with its fourth entry, The Forbidden Door. The Techno Arcadians are upping their game by accusing Jane on a 60 Minutes-style show of murdering her beloved husband Matt and faking his suicide. The Arcadians set in motion a plan to kidnap orContinue Reading

Crooked Staircase

Cabals be caballing. In The Crooked Staircase, Jane Hawk is hunting more of the cabal that used brain nanobots to force her husband to kill himself. In this series entry, Simon Yegg is the so-mean-it-is-unbelievable type of villain. He tortures his ex-wives up to, and including, gang rape to getContinue Reading

Whispering Room

Jane Hawk continues to hunt down her husband’s killer in this action-packed sequel to The Silent Corner. Jane is searching for the top man at Far Horizons, David James Michael, to record his confession. His company is using brain nanobots to control people. Some are used as submissive sex slaves,Continue Reading