Steeped in Malice

Steeped in Malice

It’s always delightful to step back into the world of Lily and her grandmother Rose in the Tea by the Sea cozy mysteries. In Steeped in Malice, it gets personal for Lily when a well-heeled guest is killed.

Wesley, the victim’s new husband aka Lily’s abusive ex-boyfriend, has millions of reasons to be the perp. Wesley tells the police nothing good, or true, about Lily hoping to implicate her in the crime after Lily rejects his romantic overtures. Lily responds by investigating the victim’s life.

While there was nothing particularly notable about Steeped in Malice, it is a relaxing mystery where the perp is easy to uncover. I read this series for the characters, who feel like treasured friends now, and the beautiful Massachusetts setting. 4 stars!

Thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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