Andy, a New Jersey wannabe-retired lawyer, is back again for a new Christmas-themed dog-filled humorous cozy legal thriller. Santa’s Little Yelpers are eight puppies fostered from Andy’s animal rescue foundation by a discredited attorney named Chris.
Chris just got out of prison for manslaughter. He argues he is innocent. A key witness against him plans to recant his testimony that could clear Chris’ name. The witness changes his mind and is quickly found murdered. Chris has the most obvious motive and is arrested. Andy and his team must find the real killer.
Surprisingly, the dogs were less of a focus in this book compared to most of the books in the series. Still, it is always fun to hang with Andy and the gang. The plot has plenty of twists to keep thriller fans enthralled with Santa’s Little Yelpers too. Overall, a fun easy read. 4 stars!
Thanks to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.