Puzzle Me Twice

Puzzle Me Twice

Puzzle Me Twice is a fun, and humbling, ride through your preconceptions!

Even though the author warns you that these puzzles are tricky and should be examined carefully, I got 90% of them wrong. And I thought the Mensa test was easy. I’m not a stupid person so why couldn’t I solve these seemingly simple puzzles? Because they are devilishly sneaky. They play on your quite human assumptions. Some I had right and talked myself into wrong answers. Some were just difficult. One I didn’t agree with the answer (the store thief). I’m a CPA and the store lost $130 that day, dang it! Strangely, I did best on the logic and math ones though I haven’t studied either in literally decades. The one thing all the puzzles did was give me a rollicking good time. Pick up Puzzle Me Twice and see for yourself. It is just pure fun to see how easily you can be fooled. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to NetGalley and The Experiment for providing me with an advanced review copy.

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