One of Our Own follows police consultant, Gregor. A trash bag falls out of an unmarked van in Philadelphia’s predominately Armenian neighborhood. Inside is a woman in a coma. When the police arrive at her home, they find her dead super locked inside. Who were the woman’s kidnappers and why did they do it? Did the kidnappers or the woman kill the super?
Most of the things I didn’t like about this book were my own fault. I didn’t do any research about the book before requesting it. It is the thirtieth and final book in the series. I haven’t read any of the previous books. I spent most of this novel confused by all the characters’ backstories, which I’m sure were fully fleshed out in previous books in the series. There is about 1,000 pages of history that I missed. However, the writing style, mystery and the focus on immigrant policies was good. 4 stars to One of Our Own! It is sure to be an excellent conclusion to fans of the series.
Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.