Murdle: Volume 1

Murdle Volume 1

From the length of the subtitle on Murdle: Volume 1, “100 elementary to impossible mysteries to solve using logic, skill, and the power of deduction”, I was expecting 100 short stories like in Two-Minute Mysteries. Instead contains 100 increasingly difficult logic puzzles.

When solving logic puzzles, a grid and pencil are required to eliminate possibilities and discover the one and only solution. Because I received Murdle: Volume 1 in kindle format, it was impossible to solve any of the puzzles—making this a very disappointing read. Luckily, the published version is only available in paperback.

If you are thinking of buying this book, visit and play the daily logic puzzle beforehand. The puzzles are the same format (but with a handy online grid). If you like it, but want more than one puzzle per day, Murdle: Volume 1 is the answer. 4 stars!

Thanks to St. Martin’s Griffin and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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