For $279 each, you can have Little Eyes in an awkwardly-shaped stuffed animal running around your house or office. They’re called Kentukis. A combination of a Furby, Alexa, and a one-way cellphone call. They can’t talk but they are sentient. In fact, they are run by a real person, called a dweller, who has paid $70 for the privilege. Owners, called keepers, and dwellers are paired for life. Once the connection is lost, the Kentuki is useless.
It doesn’t take long for people to take advantage. Dwellers are blackmailing their keepers with nude photos of the keepers. Some dwellers are selling specific keeper-dweller pairings for eight times the price of the card that runs the Kentuki. And then it starts to get weird.
Little Eyes is the story of multiple Kentukis and their keepers interaction with their dwellers. So each connection is an individual story. Like all story collections, some are better than others. However, I adored the ending so 4 stars! The less you know about the plot, the more fun you will have untangling it.
Thanks to Riverhead Books and Edelweiss+ for a copy in exchange for my honest review.