

When humans look up at the sky, they yearn to travel among the stars. But questions abound. Are we alone? If not, why haven’t we discovered any undeniable evidence of other species? The author of Interstellar postulates that our instruments are inadequate. He hopes to remedy that as director of the new Galileo Project. This book describes what the project has discovered thus far (three interstellar meteors) and what it plans to look for in the future.

The Galileo Project’s next goal is to recover an interstellar meteorite from the ocean floor near Papua New Guinea. The object was discovered in 2014. It is made from a metal harder than any natural metal found on Earth. Will its recovery uncover a new metal found only in other worlds or a new alloy made by another civilization? Either one would be a stunning discovery, though the author is clearly hoping for the second option.

There is an abundance of interesting information within Interstellar without being too dense for the average reader. My only problem is that the author spends the first 20% of the book providing his bonafides. It comes off somewhat as bragging, or worse, the feeling of when you are trapped on an airplane with the most boring seat mate ever. But it moves on to how we are trying to discover evidence that sentient species exist in other worlds, which is a fascinating topic.

Overall, if you are interested in how science is progressing with UAP research, Interstellar is a good choice. 4 stars!

Thanks to Mariner Books  and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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