City 1

City 1 is a surreal fast-moving episodic Sunday Comics-style manga. Nagumo (20) doesn’t have her rent money. She tried to double her money by playing the horses and lost. Her landlady, called the Granny, is insistent. Niikura, Nagumo’s best friend cannot loan her the rent money. Nagumo goes through manyContinue Reading


Combine Lord of the Flies and Mean Girls. Stir in a pinch of the Stanford Prison Experiment and you have Damselfly, a new young adult novel. A teenage fencing team from an expensive prep school is stranded on a deserted island after the crash of their private aircraft. Soon theirContinue Reading

Not Now Not Ever

A fun “King of the Nerds” meets Jeopardy summer camp is the setting for this entertaining young adult romance. Ever Lawrence is determined to make her own way in life.  She won’t become a lawyer like her Dad, a local community theater actress who sells real estate like her StepmomContinue Reading

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Young Adult Family Drama more than a Mystery/Thriller How would you feel if your father’s murder was being covered in a non-fiction podcast? Would you be grateful that someone was looking further into his murder or would you be upset that all the old information is being dredged up onceContinue Reading