All the Water in the World

All the Water in the World

All the Water in the World is an allegory about what happens after climate change has flooded New York City and broken down civilization as we know it. It also is a coming-of-age tale for Nonie, the teenage female protagonist.

I think it may have just been me but this tale was slow, very slow. It works much better as a plot synopsis than as an actual novel. I didn’t connect to any of the characters and so I didn’t feel compelled to find out what happened to them. The setting and what ifs of the world after climate change were nicely done. However, that was not enough to hold my interest. Obviously, this is a minority opinion so I’ll still give it 3 stars. The book’s pacing, plot, and characterizations will probably please climate change activists and literary fiction junkies. All the Water in the World just didn’t hit the spot for this thriller fan.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an advanced review copy.

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