The Stranded

The Stranded

The Arcadia is a cruise ship carrying hundreds of passengers. The passengers and their ancestors have been stuck on the ship for over forty years. War and a pandemic forced The Stranded onto a destination free voyage. It is survival but at what cost? Teenagers Esther and Nik both hope to have found a path toward land. But will the brutal Federated States crush their aspirations?

There was a lot going on in here. The three POVs made me continually feel like I was missing something important from another’s perspective. The book also felt overlong and dragged a bit at times. Still, if you enjoy a young adult look at what could happen in a dystopian near future, The Stranded might be the perfect book for you. 3 stars.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Fire and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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