How many books do we need about a seemingly perfect family hiding a spider’s nest of secrets behind their flawless, but fragile, facade? At least one more. The Perfect Family gets the trope right.
The less you know about the plot, the bigger the twists! Thomas and Viv are living their best life. Great jobs, beautiful house, and two children set the scene of The Perfect Family. So why is someone trying to ruin it in escalating acts of vandalism and eventually attempted murder? Well, it appears that the family members are not as perfect as they seem. But whose secret is causing such hatred? And how will they stop the mayhem without revealing their secrets to the world and to each other?
Make sure to take a long afternoon nap before beginning this enthralling and nonstop compelling read. It’s 2 a.m. here and I just finished it. Once you start reading, you will not stop until the twisty turny ending.
Hopefully, you have not already read a gazillion books with this same plot —like I have. But even if you have, The Perfect Family is a compelling, twisty, exciting, and highly recommended addition to this mini-genre. 4 stars!
Thanks to Gallery Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.