Diane Reviews Books

Resistance Training Revolution

Resistance Training Revolution

The majority of the Resistance Training Revolution is filled with very motivational knowledge from an experienced fitness instructor. Who wouldn’t be thrilled to hear this quote?

“Cardio, though it has its place, is the least valuable activity for our body. Cardio slows your metabolism. Cardio-type exercise is an ineffective tool for weight loss. You will learn to exercise less, eat more, and boost your fat-burning to new levels of efficiency.”

The exercise programs don’t appear until 124 pages into the book. And, I hate to say it, there is little new there, at least in the beginner’s program. I’m still not sold on not warming up before exercise but instead “priming”. The last third of the book includes a section on intuitive eating that also didn’t wow me.

Overall, the first 120 pages were great and may just be the push you need to start exercising. However, the rest of Resistance Training Revolution didn’t follow through on the promise of innovation that it led me to expect. 3 stars.

Thanks to Hachette Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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