Stop Being Reasonable

Society expects that people will use logic and reason to sway others to change their mind. However, Stop Being Reasonable argues that reason doesn’t work, which is why the country is so divided. Using several true stories, the author anecdotally tries to prove what changes minds. The stories encompass catcalling,Continue Reading

Of Vengeance

“It takes a stroke of luck to find your vocation. I might have spent my whole life searching. Hare Krishna? Hairdressing? Water polo? But the universe blessed me with a taste of the perfect crime.”—from Of Vengeance. Welcome to the mind of an unnamed sociopath, who is also a thirteen-year-oldContinue Reading

Art of Flaneuring

The Art of Flaneuring is to wander intentionally in an aimless way. It is a technique to use mindfulness, live in the moment, and get some exercise. It was first practiced by rich, slightly drunken Frenchmen in the late 1800s. In modern times, it isn’t so limiting. In fact, flaneuringContinue Reading

A Very Vegan Halloween

A Very Vegan Halloween: The Witch’s Cauldron Cookbook The Vegan Holiday Cookbook Collection #1 by Rebecca Henry My Review With thirteen snacks, eight main dishes, seventeen desserts, and four drinks, A Very Vegan Halloween allows you to share Halloween with your friends and family without giving up your values. JustContinue Reading


It was the eighties and everything was about making money. Reaganomics gave the promise that everyone could be rich with some smarts and initiative. So what were poor African-Americans using as their method to achieve this American Dream? Crack. With a 40% unemployment rate for African-American teenagers in 1984, thereContinue Reading

Adventure of the Peculiar Protocols

The game is afoot in the excellent Sherlock Holmes tale of spies and revolution, the Adventures of the Peculiar Protocols. Sherlock Holmes’ brother Mycroft enlists Holmes’ help with a mysterious French manuscript. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is ostensibly a book recording a conference of Jews describingContinue Reading

Best of Cryptograms

Scientific studies have shown that exercising your mind will keep you mentally young. The Best of Cryptograms is conveniently large-print for those of us getting older, which is all of us if you think about it. The large-print is also double spaced giving you plenty of room to write twoContinue Reading